Hello RAGsters,
Only 4 members made it to the last meeting last Sunday but we nutted out some details and made some decisions about deadlines and requirements. Pleas put these dates in your diaries and call me if you have any questions.
It would be great if we could get all the members that are exhibiting in the October RAGTIME show to get together before the exhibition and we thought we could do this mid August.
Sunday 21st August at 3pm....let me know ASAP if you can't make this.
I don't have all the mobile numbers for everyone so if you could send me an email with all your contact details that would be helpful.
Make sure you follow the blog and contribute and we encourage each artist to promote the show and your work on the blog and other sites. Post some images of you work and some artist info.
A website is in the works - will keep you posted.
I need to do a press release pronto...so I need to get a brief bio and a jpg work sample from each of you...can be previous work.
**RAGTIME exhibition deadlines:by
Friday 24th June (next Friday)
Sample and brief bio
Friday 1st July: Proposals outlining your work for the show (including gallery requirements like size and weight) and payment of your share of gallery fee ($330)
The gallery has both plaster and brick walls - D rings , FX hanging system and pins acceptable
please let us know of any special requirements or power access issues etc.
You will get an artists agreement and a receipt.
(we need this to plan show effectively and confirm your commitment)
If you can't make deadlines and want to pull out it is urgent you let me know immediately as there is a waiting list of artists who want to participate.
Friday 5th August: Payment for your share of promotional and opening costs (to be advised soon)
Friday 16th September: aim to have work completed
RAGTIME Turn of the Centuries 1920 -20203rd - 16th of OctoberOpening Wednesday 5th of OctoberDrinks with the artists Friday 14th OctoberI will post an update soon with the dates/exact times for gallery drop off and pick up of your work.
Now go forth and create your lil' hearts out and promote RAGTIME bigtime.
Call me if you have any ideas, concerns, offers, etc - whatever.
You should all have my mobile number by now but if not message me quick.
I think that's everything...comment on blog and message me if I've missed something.
Also it would be a great help if you could follow the blog and respond promptly to posts so I don't have to chase everyone up. Cheers ma dears.
Ok groovers
Double YAY for us
Ciao for now